Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting out of the lair

It's been a slow few days around here - hard to get rolling when the schedule gets knocked off kilter. Not that I haven't been busy. Monday evening was spinning group and I was seated next to someone who turned out to be a holistic vet who has a home visits practice...funny how the right person comes along just when you need them. Daisy is pretty much her old self although the hacking cough continues. Still no word from the doggie hospital on the x-rays so I'm in limbo on how to feel. There is a lot of fear displacement activity goin' on. I've managed to spin two full bobbins of laceweight singles in alpaca and now have plied them together for a grand total of around 6 ounces and about 600 yards of yarn. My plan is to knit a lace shawl for myself but I don't know if I have enough yet for that. Lordy it takes a long time to spin lace weight! Two weeks of pretty steady spinning to get two bobbins!

The alpaca came from a "fibre safari" up-island with my guy during which we visited a winery, had a look at the wonderful display of Cowichan sweaters at the Duncan museum, had lunch at Urban Beet in Nanaimo (highly recommended) visited Hummingbird Studios and tried out all the portable spinning wheels (the Louet Victoria...or was it the Juliet...was my fave) and bought extra bobbins for my traditional Ashford, went to Blue Stone Alpacas and had a tour, came away with two giant bags of alpaca, one dark brown and one white, dropped by Qualicum Bay Fibreworks, had a tour, picked up some lovely roving, stopped for dinner at Bistro 161 (not sure about that number) in Duncan which was great except for the selections of '80's rock blasting from the beer garden across the street. Whew! Quite a day. And quite a long sentence!

This week I've cast on and finished two adorable little hats for a shower gift and knitted quite a bit on my silk summer tank which I'm hoping to have done in time to get some wear out of it before summer is over. Today was a pretty hot one for Victoria, very muggy, so there's still a bit of summer to go. That's not to say it might not change does that here...from shorts weather to sweater weather and back again in less than a week.

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